王专 副研究员 电话:010-82649352 Email:zhuanwang@iphy.ac.cn |
2009/7-至今 中科院物理所,软物质物理实验室,副研究员
2006/4-2009/2 日本电气通信大学,物理系,博士后
2005/7-2006/3 东京大学,物理系 ,博士后
1996/9-2005/6 天津大学,精密仪器与电子工程学院,学士、博士
博士期间研究方向为超短脉冲激光技术,博士后期间从事飞秒超快光谱研究, 目前主要研究兴趣为应用时间分辨光谱学方法研究光催化材料光生电荷的动力学性质,以及材料修饰引起的动力学变化与光催化性质之间的关系。
- Effect of trap states on photocatalytic properties of boron-doped anatase TiO2 microspheres studied by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy, Y. Du, Z. Wang*, H. Chen, H. Wang, G. Liu and Y. Weng*, PCCP, 2019, 21, 4349
- Plasmon-induced hot electron transfer in Au–ZnO heterogeneous nanorods for enhanced SERS, J. Zhou, J. Zhang, H. Yang,* Z. Wang,* J. Shi,W. Zhou, N. Jiang, G. Xian, Q. Qi, Y. Weng, C. Shen, Z. Cheng and S. He*, Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 11782
- Coupling of multi-vibrational modes in bacteriochlorophyll a in solution observed with 2D electronic spectroscopy, Yue, S.; Wang, Z.; Leng, X..; Zhu, R.-D.; Chen, H. L.Weng*, Y. X. Chem. Phy. Lett. 2017, 683, 591-597.
- Multi-channel lock-in amplifier assisted femtosecond time-resolved fluorescence non-collinear optical parametric amplification spectroscopy with efficient rejection of superfluorescence background, Mao, P.; Wang, Z.; Dang, W.; Weng*, Y., Rev. of Sci. Instru. 2015, 86 , 123113.
- Construction of the Apparatus for Two Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy and Characterization of the Instrument, Y. Shuai; Wang Z.; He X.; Zhu G.; Weng Y. *, Chinese J Chem. Phys., 2015, 28, 509
- Electronic relaxation and vibrationaldynamics in a thiophene oligomer studied under the same experimental condition with a sub-5 fs laser, Z. Wang and T. Kobayashi, 2008 , New J. Phys. 10 123021
- Correlations of instantaneous energy and intensity among transient absorption peaks during nuclear wavepacket motion ,T. Kobayashi and Z. Wang, New J. Phys. 2008, 10 065015
- Spectral Oscillation in Optical Frequency Resolved Quantum-Beat Spectroscopy with a Few-Cycle Pulse Laser , T. Kobayashi and Z. Wang, IEEE J. QE 2008, 44 1232
- Classification of Dynamic Vibronic Couplings in Vibrational Real-Time Spectra of a Thiophene Derivative by Few-Cycle Pulses , T. Kobayashi, Z. Wang and T. Otsubo, Phys. Chem. A 2007, J 111 12985-12994
- Chirped modulationof molecular vibration in quiniodal thiophene after sub-5 fs excitation , Z. Wang, T. Kobayashi and T. Otsubo, Chem. Phys. Lett. 2006, 430 45-50