焦放 特聘研究员 电话:010-82649645 Email:fang.jiao@iphy.ac.cn |
2021.05-至今 中科院物理研究所 特聘研究员 博士生导师
2019.11-2021.04 瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院 博士后
2017.05-2019.10 美国威尔康奈尔医学院 博士后
2016.12-2017.04 美国太平洋西北国家实验室 助理研究员
2011.05-2016.11 华东师范大学和美国太平洋西北国家实验室联合培养博士
本人致力于开发和利用新型多功能高时空分辨和原位原子力显微镜技术,研究生物大分子(MACPF/CDC成孔蛋白、焦亡蛋白、多肽、骨架蛋白、光合蛋白复合物等)在准生物环境中的行为动态、自组装和作用机理。成功搭建了多功能高速原子力显微镜生物平台(国内首台),该平台在原子力显微镜领域处于世界前沿水平,能在生理溶液中以直接高时空成像(水平分辨率~1 纳米,垂直分辨率~0.1 纳米,成像速度可达20 帧/秒)的方式,实现生物分子的结构和功能分析。至今已在Nature, Nature Materials, Science Advances, Nature Communications, Angewandte Chemie, Advanced Functional Materials, Nano Letters等专业高水平杂志发表多篇论文(详见个人主页:http://www.iop.cas.cn/rcjy/tpyjy/?id=4432)。
1. F. Jiao*; F. Dehez; T. Ni; X. Yu; J. Dittman; R. Gilbert; C. Chipot; S. Scheuring*. Perforin-2 clockwise hand-over-hand pre-pore to pore transition mechanism. Nature Communications. 2022. 13: 5039.
2. H. Li; Y. Yu; M. Ruan; F. Jiao; H. Chen; J. Gao; Y. Weng*; Y. Bao*. The mechanism for thermal-enhanced chaperone-like activity of α-crystallin against UV irradiation-induced aggregation of γD-crystallin. Biophysical Journal. 2022. 121: 1-18.
3. A. Fraser#; N. Prokhorov#; F. Jiao#; B. M. Pettitt; S. Scheuring*; P. Leiman*. Quantitative description of a contractile macromolecular machine. Science Advances. 2021. 7: eabf9601.
4. F. Jiao; Y. Ruan; S. Scheuring*. High-speed atomic force microscopy to study pore-forming proteins. Methods in Enzymology. 2021. 649: 189-217.
5. A. Ben-Sasson; J. Watson, W. Sheffler; M. C. Johnson; A. Bittleston; L. Somasundaram; J. Decarreau; F. Jiao; …; J. J. De. Yoreo; E. Derivery*;D. Baker*. Design of biologically active binary protein 2D material. Nature. 2021. 589: 468-473.
6. F. Jiao; K. Cannon; Y. Lin; A. Gladfelter; S. Scheuring*. The hierarchical assembly of septins revealed by high-speed AFM. Nature Communications. 2020. 11, 5062.
7. T. Ni#; F. Jiao#; X.Yu#; S. Aden; L. Ginger; S. Williams; F. Bai; V. Prazak; D. Karia; P. Stansfeld; P. Zhang; G. Munson; G. Anderluh; S. Scheuring*; R. Gilbert*. Structure and mechanism of bactericidal mammalian perforin-2, an ancient agent of innate immunity. Science Advances. 2020. 6: eaax8286.
8. Z. Yaari#; J. Cheung#; H. Baker#; R. Frederiksen#; R. Frederiksen; P. Jena; C. Horoszko; F. Jiao; S. Scheuring; M. Luo; D. Heller*. Nanoreporter of an Enzymatic Suicide Inactivation Pathway. Nano Letters. 2020. 20: 7819-7827.
9. F. Jiao; X. Wu; T. Jian; S. Zhang; H. Jin; P. He; C. Chen*; J. J. De Yoreo*. Hierarchical assembly of peptoid-based cylindrical micelles exhibiting efficient resonance energy transfer in aqueous solution. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2019. 58: 2-10.
10. X. Ma; S. Zhang; F. Jiao; C. Newcomb; …; C. Chen*; J. J. De Yoreo*. Tuning nucleation pathways through sequence-engineering of biomimetic polymers. Nature Materials. 2017. 16: 767-774.
11. H. Jin#; F. Jiao#; M. Daily#; Y. Chen; F. Yan; Y. Ding; X. Zhang; E. J. Robertson; M. D. Baer; C. Chen*. Highly stable and self-repairing membrane-mimetic 2D nanomaterials assembled from lipid-like peptoids. Nature Communications. 2016. 7. 12252.
12. F. Jiao; Y. Chen; H. Jin; P. He; C. Chen*; J. J. De Yoreo*. Self-repair and patterning of 2D membrane-like peptoid materials. Advanced Functional Materials. 2016. 26: 48 (Inside Front Cover).
13. M. You; S. Yang; F. Jiao; L. Yang; F. Zhang*; P. He*. Label-free electrochemical multi-sites recognition of G-rich DNA using multi-walled carbon nanotubes–supported molecularly imprinted polymer with guanine sites of DNA. Electrochimica Acta. 2016. 199: 133-141.
14. F. Jiao; H. Fan; G. Yang; F. Zhang; P. He*. Directly investigating the interaction between aptamers and thrombin by AFM. Journal of Molecular Recognition. 2013. 26: 672-678.
15. H. Fan; F. Jiao; H. Chen; F. Zhang; Q. Wang; P. He*; Y. Fang. Qualitative and quantitative detection of DNA amplified with HRP-modified SiO2 nanoparticles using scanning electrochemical microscopy. Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 2013. 47: 373-378.
16. H. Fan; X. Wang; F. Jiao; F. Zhang; Q. Wang; P. He*; Y. Fang. Scanning electrochemical microscopy of DNA hybridization on DNA microarrays enhanced by HRP-modified SiO2 nanoparticles. Analytical Chemistry. 2013. 85(13): 6511-6517.
1. 每年拟招硕博连读生(或博士生)1-3名。热忱欢迎对生物大分子的生物物理研究、大分子生物材料组装及应用研究感兴趣的同学加入(具有生物、化学、工程或物理等背景均可)!优秀的学生可以帮助推荐到美国或欧洲的一流科研机构进行联合培养或交流。同时欢迎优秀本科生前来开展毕业设计研究,课题组提供科研补助。
2. 拟高薪聘请博士后若干(长期有效),欢迎大家随时联系。
(i) 利用高速原子力显微镜(或其它技术)探究生物大分子(蛋白质、DNA、病毒、生物纳米机器等)的自组装、动力学和作用机理。