翁羽翔 研究员 软物质物理实验室主任,SM06 课题组长 电话:010-82648118 Email:yxweng@iphy.ac.cn |
85年及88年毕业于华东师范大学化学系,分别获学士和硕士学位; 93年获中科院物理所光学博士学位;94-99年分别在香港大学和美国Emory大学从事博士后研究;2009年获国家“杰出青年基金”支持。
(1) 光合系统及人工模拟系统的相干态传能与电荷转移过程超快光谱研究;(2)蛋白质动态结构的脉冲升温-时间分辨中红外光谱研究;(3)光催化半导体材料界面性质及缺陷态能级分布的瞬态光谱研究。
1. Effect of trap states on photocatalytic properties of boron-doped anatase TiO2 microspheres studied by time-resolved infrared spectroscopy, Yijie Du, Zhuan Wang*, Hailong Chen, Hao-Yi Wang, Gang Liu and Yuxiang Weng*, Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.,2019, 21, 4349
2. Experimental Determination of Particle Size-Dependent Surface Charge Density for Silica Nanospheres, Ya-Rong Shi, Man-Ping Ye, Lu-Chao Du, and Yu-Xiang Weng*, J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 23764−23771
3. Detection of Electronic Coherence via Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy in Condensed Phase, Yu-xiang Weng, Chin. J. Chem. Phys. 2018,31(2):135-151
4. Coupling of multi-vibrational modes in bacteriochlorophyll a in solution observed with 2D electronic spectroscopy, Yue, S.; Wang, Z.; Leng, X..; Zhu, R.-D.; Chen, H. L.Weng*, Y.-X. Chemical Physics Letters 2017, 683, 591-597.
5. Multi-channel lock-in amplifier assisted femtosecond time-resolved fluorescence non-collinear optical parametric amplification spectroscopy with efficient rejection of superfluorescence background, Mao, P.; Wang, Z.; Dang, W.; Weng*, Y., Review of Scientific Instruments 2015, 86 (12), 123113.
6. Photogenerated Intrinsic Free Carriers in Small-molecule Organic Semiconductors Visualized by Ultrafast Spectroscopy ,He, X.; Zhu, G.; Yang, J.; Chang, H.; Meng, Q.; Zhao, H.; Zhou, X.; Yue, S.; Wang, Z.; Shi, J.; Gu, L.; Yan, D.; Weng Y.* Scientific Reports 2015,5, 17076.
7. A Q-switched Ho: YAG laser assisted nanosecond time-resolved T-jump transient mid-IR absorbance spectroscopy with high sensitivity, Li, 7. D.; Li, Y.; Li, H.; Wu, X.; Yu, Q.; Weng*, Y., Review of Scientific Instruments 2015, 86 (5) 053105.
8. Band Alignment and Controllable Electron Migration between Rutile and Anatase TiO2., Mi, Y.; Weng*, Y. X, Scientific Reports 2015, 5, 11482-11482.
9. Thermal-triggerd Proteinquake Leads to Disassembly of DegP Hexamer as an Imperative Activation Step, Li, S., Wang, R., Li, D., Ma, J., Li, H., He, X., Chang, Z. Yuxiang Weng*, Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 4834.
10. Determination of Midgap State Energy Levels of an Anatase TiO2 Nanocrystal Film by Nanosecond Transient Infrared Absorption–Excitation Energy Scanning Spectra, Zhu, M.; Mi, Y.; Zhu, G.; Li, D.; Wang, Y.; Weng*, Y., The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2013, 117 (37), 18863-18869.
11. Transient spectrometer for near-IR fluorescence based on parametric frequency upconversion, Chen, X.-H., Han, X.-F., Weng, Y.-X*. & Zhang, J.-Y.* Applied Physics Letters 2006, 89, 061127
12. Determination of the topological shape of integral membrane protein light-harvesting complex LH2 from photosynthetic bacteria in the detergent solution by small-angle X-ray scattering, Hong, X. G.; Weng*, Y. X.; Li, M. Biophysical Journal 2004, 86, 1082-1088.
13. 翁羽翔,陈海龙等,《超快激光光谱原理与技术基础》,2013,化学工业出版社