SM8 颗粒与胶体体系中的非平衡统计现象



  1. A review and analysis of granular shear experiments under low effective stress conditions
    Xiaohui Cheng,Shize Xiao,Alex Sixie Cao,Meiying Hou, Granular Matter 21.4 (2019): 104. [PDF]
  2. Phototaxis of active colloids by self-thermophoresis
    Nan Yu, Xin Lou, Ke Chen, and Mingcheng Yang, Soft Matter, 15, 408 (2019) [PDF]
  3. Microfluidic pump driven by anisotropic phoresis
    Zihan Tan, Mingcheng Yang, and Marisol Ripoll, Phys. Rev. Applied. 11,054004 (2019) [PDF]
  4. Universal scaling law for colloidal diffusion in complex media
    Luhui Ning, Peng Liu, Yiwu Zong, Rui Liu, Mingcheng Yang and Ke Chen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122,178002 (2019) [PDF]
  5. Surface Wettability-Directed Propulsion of Glucose-Powered Nanoflask Motors
    Changyong Gao, Chang Zhou, Zhihua Lin, Mingcheng Yang and Qiang He, ACS Nano 2019 13 (11), 12758-12766 [PDF]
  6. Diffusive-Flux-Driven Microturbines by Fore-and-Aft Asymmetric Phoresis
    Mingren Shen, Rui Liu, Ke Chen, and Mingcheng Yang, Phys. Rev. Applied. 12,034051 (2019) [PDF]
  7. A Photowelding Strategy for Conductivity Restoration in Flexible Circuits
    Yunyu Sun, Mingcheng Yang, Yutong Guo, Mengjiao Cheng, Bin Dong, Feng Shi, Angew. Chem. (in press, DOI: 10.1002/anie.201909965) [PDF]
  8. 焰火背后的科学
    厚美瑛, 物理, 2019, 48(1): 33-35. [PDF]


  1. 玻璃-橡胶混合颗粒体系的弹性行为研究
    赵子渊,李昱君,王富帅,张祺,厚美瑛,李文辉,马钢, 物理学报 67.10 (2018): 104502-104502 [PDF]
  2. Experimental and numerical study on energy dissipation in freely cooling granular gases under microgravity
    Wen-Guang Wang(王文广),Mei-Ying Hou(厚美瑛),Ke Chen(陈科),Pei-Dong Yu(虞培东),and Matthias Sperl, Chinese Physics B 27.8 (2018): 084501 [PDF]
  3. Dynamics of a colloidal particle near a thermoosmotic wall under illumination
    Xin Lou, Nan Yu, Rui Liu, Ke Chen, and Mingcheng Yang, Soft matter, 14, 1319 (2018) [PDF]
  4. Bubble-Pair Propelled Colloidal Kayaker
    Yingjie Wu, Tieyan Si, Changyong Gao, Mingcheng Yang and Qiang H, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140 (38), pp 11902–11905[PDF]
  5. Vibrational Modes and Dynamic Heterogeneity in a Near-Equilibrium 2D Glass of Colloidal Kites
    Yiwu Zong, Ke Chen, Thomas G Mason and Kun Zhao, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 228003 (2018)[PDF]
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