Si-Kao Guo, Peng-Ye Wang and Ping Xie
“A model of processive movement of dimeric kinesin”
JTB 414 (2017) 62
2. Zhan-Feng Wang, Zhi-Qiang Zhang, Yi-Ben Fu, Peng-Ye Wang and Ping Xie
“Brownian ratchet mechanism of translocation in T7 RNA polymerase facilitated by a post-translocation energy bias arising from the conformational change of the enzyme”
CPB 26 (2017) 030201
3. Zhan-Feng Wang, Yi-Ben Fu, Peng-Ye Wang, and Ping Xie
“Dynamics of bridge helix bending in RNA polymerase II”
Proteins 85 (2017) 614
4. Jing You, Ya-Nan Xu, Hui Li, Xi-Ming Lu, Wei Li, Peng-Ye Wang, Shuo-Xing Dou and Xu-Guang Xi
“Helicase activity and substrate specificity of RecQ5β”
CPB 26 (2017) 068701
5. 吕袭明 李辉 尤菁 李伟 王鹏业 李明 奚绪光 窦硕星
APS 66 (2017) 118701
6. Zhan-Feng Wang, Yu-Ru Liu, Peng-Ye Wang and Ping Xie
“An intermediate state of T7 RNA polymerase provides another pathway of nucleotide selection”
CPB 26 (2017) 100203
7. Xi-Miao Hou, Yi-Ben Fu, Wen-Qiang Wu, Lei Wang, Fang-Yuan Teng, Ping Xie, Peng-Ye Wang and Xu-Guang Xi
“Involvement of G-triplex and G-hairpin in the multi-pathway folding of human telomeric G-quadruplex”
NAR 45 (2017) 11401
8. Si-Kao Guo, Peng-Ye Wang and Ping Xie
“Dynamics of dimeric kinesins: Limping, effect of longitudinal force, effects of neck linker extension and mutation, and comparison between kinesin-1 and kinesin-2”
IJBM 105 (2017) 1126
9. Jing You, Hui Li, Xi-Ming Lu, Wei Li, Peng-Ye Wang, Shuo-Xing Dou and Xu-Guang Xi
“Effects of monovalent cations on folding kinetics of G-quadruplexes”
BR 37 (2017) 20170771
10. Yi-Ben Fu, Yu-Ru Liu, Peng-Ye Wang and Ping Xie
“A Revised Worm-Like Chain Model for Elasticity of Polypeptide Chains”
JPS 00 (2017) 000
11. Ping Xie
“Dynamics of DNA unwinding by helicases with frequent backward steps”
MB 294 (2017) 33
12. Wenxia Lin, Jianbing Ma, Daguan Nong, Chunhua Xu, Bo Zhang, Jinghua Li, Qi Jia, Shuoxing Dou, Fangfu Ye, Xuguang Xi, Ying Lu and Ming Li
“Helicase Stepping Investigated with One-Nucleotide Resolution Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer”
PRL 119 (2017) 138102
13. Wen-Qiang Wu, Xi-Miao Hou, Bo Zhang, Philippe Fossé, Brigitte René, Olivier Mauffret, Ming Li, Shuo-Xing Dou and Xu-Guang Xi
“Single-molecule studies reveal reciprocating of WRN helicase core along ssDNA during DNA unwinding”
SR 7 (2017) 43954
“A model of processive movement of dimeric kinesin”
JTB 414 (2017) 62
2. Zhan-Feng Wang, Zhi-Qiang Zhang, Yi-Ben Fu, Peng-Ye Wang and Ping Xie
“Brownian ratchet mechanism of translocation in T7 RNA polymerase facilitated by a post-translocation energy bias arising from the conformational change of the enzyme”
CPB 26 (2017) 030201
3. Zhan-Feng Wang, Yi-Ben Fu, Peng-Ye Wang, and Ping Xie
“Dynamics of bridge helix bending in RNA polymerase II”
Proteins 85 (2017) 614
4. Jing You, Ya-Nan Xu, Hui Li, Xi-Ming Lu, Wei Li, Peng-Ye Wang, Shuo-Xing Dou and Xu-Guang Xi
“Helicase activity and substrate specificity of RecQ5β”
CPB 26 (2017) 068701
5. 吕袭明 李辉 尤菁 李伟 王鹏业 李明 奚绪光 窦硕星
APS 66 (2017) 118701
6. Zhan-Feng Wang, Yu-Ru Liu, Peng-Ye Wang and Ping Xie
“An intermediate state of T7 RNA polymerase provides another pathway of nucleotide selection”
CPB 26 (2017) 100203
7. Xi-Miao Hou, Yi-Ben Fu, Wen-Qiang Wu, Lei Wang, Fang-Yuan Teng, Ping Xie, Peng-Ye Wang and Xu-Guang Xi
“Involvement of G-triplex and G-hairpin in the multi-pathway folding of human telomeric G-quadruplex”
NAR 45 (2017) 11401
8. Si-Kao Guo, Peng-Ye Wang and Ping Xie
“Dynamics of dimeric kinesins: Limping, effect of longitudinal force, effects of neck linker extension and mutation, and comparison between kinesin-1 and kinesin-2”
IJBM 105 (2017) 1126
9. Jing You, Hui Li, Xi-Ming Lu, Wei Li, Peng-Ye Wang, Shuo-Xing Dou and Xu-Guang Xi
“Effects of monovalent cations on folding kinetics of G-quadruplexes”
BR 37 (2017) 20170771
10. Yi-Ben Fu, Yu-Ru Liu, Peng-Ye Wang and Ping Xie
“A Revised Worm-Like Chain Model for Elasticity of Polypeptide Chains”
JPS 00 (2017) 000
11. Ping Xie
“Dynamics of DNA unwinding by helicases with frequent backward steps”
MB 294 (2017) 33
12. Wenxia Lin, Jianbing Ma, Daguan Nong, Chunhua Xu, Bo Zhang, Jinghua Li, Qi Jia, Shuoxing Dou, Fangfu Ye, Xuguang Xi, Ying Lu and Ming Li
“Helicase Stepping Investigated with One-Nucleotide Resolution Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer”
PRL 119 (2017) 138102
13. Wen-Qiang Wu, Xi-Miao Hou, Bo Zhang, Philippe Fossé, Brigitte René, Olivier Mauffret, Ming Li, Shuo-Xing Dou and Xu-Guang Xi
“Single-molecule studies reveal reciprocating of WRN helicase core along ssDNA during DNA unwinding”
SR 7 (2017) 43954